Take steps to build wealth
Want to make sure your portfolio is diversified? You can select any Macquarie Fund and open an account according to the investing guidelines below.
Type of account
Minimum initial purchase
Mutual fund
Uniform Gift/Transfer to Minors Act
Automatic investment plans
You can purchase additional fund shares at any time, however, there are minimum and maximum purchase requirements.
Type of account
Minimum subsequent purchase
Mutual fund
Uniform Gift/Transfer to Minors Act
Automatic investment plans
Type of account
Maximum investment for
initial and subsequent purchases*
Class shares
Any mutual fund
Account forms
All Macquarie Funds account forms are accessible by:
Downloading the forms from our website here.
Contacting our shareholder service center at 800 523-1918.
Return the form to the address provided on the form itself.
Opening a new account
Interested in opening a new mutual fund account? Simply complete a New account registration form.
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
Complete an Individual Retirement Account Registration form if you would like to:
Open a Traditional or Roth IRA.
Convert a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA.
Make a direct rollover from a retirement plan to an IRA.
Transfer or consolidate your existing IRAs with Macquarie Funds.
Adding account features and services
Complete an Account services form to add or change account features that allow you to:
Set up automatic contributions to your account.
Reduce sales charges.
Select payment method for dividends and capital gain distributions.
Make systematic withdrawals.
Transfer funds directly from your bank account.
*An investor may exceed maximum purchase limitations by making cumulative purchases over a period of time. In doing so, an investor should keep in mind that reduced front-end sales charges are available on investments of $100,000 or more in Class A shares, and that Class A shares: (i) are subject to lower annual 12b-1 Plan expenses than Class C shares and; (ii) generally are not subject to a contingent deferred sales charge. For retirement plans, the maximum purchase limitations apply only to the initial purchase of Class C shares by the plan.